Prioritize Rest
Winter time is a time of reflection and renewal. At least in the mid-west, it’s cold, the sky is grey on most days, and hibernation seems like a good idea. I can think of no better way to renew yourself than mindful, intentional rest. Rest is paramount for your well-being, yet most of us feel guilty for doing it. So, today, let us stop running ourselves ragged, spinning our wheels, and over functioning for everyone else and talk about how to prioritize rest.
Why prioritize rest?
Well, you deserve it for one thing. You work hard, you give all day long, and you are tired. Our bodies give warning signals to us all the time that we miss because we don’t slow down long enough to listen. Rest gives you the opportunity to check back in with your body and listen for it’s signals. When we prioritize rest we give the body what it needs to balance hormones, strengthen the immune system, and just generally clean up internally. Rest makes you less crabby, more productive, and it feels really good. Basic fact; humans need rest.
But, I have so much to do!
I know, I know, you have a list one mile long and you are trying to check things off that list. You value productivity. The thing is, when you are tired, you are more easily distracted by randomness that pull you off task. We have all been there – trying to stay focused and suddenly realizing you have spent the last hour mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. Now you are even more behind and feeling more exhausted than ever. This is a sign that you need to slow down, prioritize rest, and regroup. I promise you that productivity will increase when you give yourself time to rest.
What counts as rest?
There are a lot of ways to rest and they don’t always involve sleep. Yes, sleep is super important. It is recommended that adults ages 18-65 get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night. With our busy schedules and active brains, that can be really challenging. The fact that it is challenging does not take away from it’s importance. Setting yourself up for good sleep involves some behavior modification if we want to be successful. How we function during the day most certainly impacts our ability to sleep at night. Keep reading for some good tips for how to prioritize rest and set yourself up for good, restful sleep.
Wake up at the same time
Having a consistent time for waking up is super important. It helps the body maintain good circadian rhythm, which is important for so many body functions. When you practice waking at the same time every day, you will likely find that your body naturally adjusts over time and you will no longer need that alarm clock to wake you. For more a deeper dive on why waking at the same time each day is so beneficial, click here for a great article from verywell health.
Get good exercise
You might be thinking, wait, I thought we were talking about rest? We are. Regular exercise helps us to rest better. Your body needs movement each day. It is recommended that adults get 150 minutes every week of moderate intensity exercise. If you break that down into a daily habit, it really isn’t that much time, but it will make a huge difference in your ability to get good rest. Consider a brisk daily walk or, during winter, take a virtual class or attend one in a a local studio. Make sure to elevate your heart rate and follow up with some gentle stretches to soothe your mind and body.
Unplug from technology
We are all so connected through technology, yet we are very disconnected at the same time. So frequently, I hear people say they don’t have time for mindful breaks during the day because they have so much to do, yet, somehow they have time to post and scroll through social media on the regular. We all make choices – some of them are intentional and others are not. My suggestion here is that you be intentional about your technology use and put the same intention behind setting it down. Give your mind a break. What can you do during your break from tech?
Take a mindful mini break
Get grounded with 3-5 abdominal breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Track the breath as it comes in and as it goes out. Notice how it feels to breath and pay attention to where your thoughts go. Keep redirecting them back to the breath or a point on your body.
Do some gentle stretches. Roll out your yoga mat for a 5-10 minute flow. One of my favorite ways to get grounded in my breath and my body is to start with a few cat/cows. Connecting with my breath and movement. Then transition into childs pose with wide knees, big toes touching. Release my forehead to the floor and then add a gentle rocking back and forth with the head. Massaging into the forehead really gently. This stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and helps release hormones that have a calming effect on the body.
Take off your shoes and do a meditative walk. Slow yourself way down by inhaling as you lift one foot and exhale as you step it back down. Lift the other foot on an inhale, step it back down on an exhale. Continue like this for as long as you like.
Read a good book
There is nothing quite like grabbing a good old fashioned book made of paper, a warm cup of tea, and a cozy blanket and getting lost for a little while in the story. I don’t think I need to say anymore about this – it’s just so good!
Setting aside anywhere from 10-30 minutes per day for meditation is such good rest for your mind and body. If this is a concept that freaks you out, know that it takes some practice just like anything else. Intention, practice, and the desire to do the thing is what is required if we want to learn anything new.
Open your senses
Light a yummy smelling candle, soothe your mind and body with essential oil infused lotion, give yourself a foot or neck massage, bake something delicious and pay attention to the process – how it feels, the sounds, smells, tastes, and sight of the finished product, bundle up and take a walk outdoors and take in everything around you. When we pay attention, we can use our senses to connect to the outdoors, which combats feelings of isolation and loneliness. When we feel more connected, we feel content and this also promotes good rest.
Wrap yourself up
How we choose to live during our waking hours most certainly impacts how well we sleep during the night. I’ve shared here about the importance of being intentional about scheduling, exercise, technology use, and mindfulness, and that doing these things will help you manage your stress level and set you up for good rest. Mostly it is about choosing rest – giving yourself permission to slow down, do less, and just be. You will see that you have time for everything that is truly important in your life and that prioritizing rest helps you enjoy what you choose to do even more.
<3 Stephanie
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Taking Care Of You Is Most Important
As we look toward the rest of this year, what would you like to focus on? Having an intentional plan for your next steps will ensure that you find success. Whether you are feeling overwhelmed or not, taking steps toward growth in happiness and well-being will serve you in more ways than you know. With the change in the seasons comes a surge in mental health issues like depression and anxiety, and we are already seeing an increase due to the pandemic. Taking care of you is most important.
I’d like to share a little more about me and what I do as an Anthropedia well-being coach. My mission and my passion is to work with women. Together, my clients and I are making great strides toward their own self acceptance and happiness. It’s really fulfilling to walk alongside these women as they experience this growth for themselves. Working with me as a coach can be part of your intentional plan for your mental health and help you realize that taking care of you is most important.
About Me
Professionally, I offer well-being coaching as well as lifestyle coaching for women who are looking to work on self-discovery and self-acceptance and would like to get a boost in the happiness, hope, and mental health department. Like my clients, I have my own story of struggle and growth that helps me to be relatable and empathetic for my clients. I know what it feels like to question my purpose and to feel out of control. And I know what it is like to be in a cycle of quiet shame and self deprecation to the point of exhaustion.
Part of what makes me good at my job is my own life experience. In my own experience, well-being coaching has been truly life changing. The practices I learned and have adopted for myself are a lifeline that I draw on daily that keep me afloat, even during chaos and my life has plenty of chaos! I observe and hear the same from my clients. Not only have my relationships with others improved, but my relationship with myself is more loving and kind.
My Mission
Working with women is a passion of mine. I absolutely love supporting other women who are hungry for more and looking for ways to take care of themselves in healthy ways. As a woman, I know how much it can be ingrained in us to put ourselves last and second guess our need for our own nourishment and growth. I am here to remind you that you matter, you are so important, and you are worth your own time. You cannot pour from an empty cup. And the world needs you mentally and physically healthy and happy. This is why taking care of you is most important.
I am called to do this work by a deep desire to promote positive mental health practices so that we may all find some healing, a renewed sense of hope, and deeper satisfaction with life. I bring compassion, empathy, support, and understanding to the table each time I meet with one of my clients. After every session I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to connect and share in the tremendous growth these women experience. It is truly life changing and affirming.
The Truth
What I know to be true is that if we aren’t intentional about where we are going, we are bound to get lost. If we spend the majority of our time doing what we believe everyone else wants us to do, we lose ourselves in the process. If we don’t take time to really get to know ourselves, we never really fully understand what makes us happy. This is no way to live. I want you to thrive, not just go through the motions.
Taking the time to prioritize getting to know yourself and really understand what drives you is so important. In order to do this, we have to create awareness around our habits, patterns, thoughts, and behaviors. What makes you happy? What makes you unhappy? What experiences have you had in your life that left you feeling a sense of lasting satisfaction? These are all questions we ask and begin to answer in our first meeting together.
Growth in well-being and happiness is deep and contemplative work. And it is so worth it.
In her words
Don’t take my word for it. Here are what a few of my clients have to say about their experience working with me.
“Not only is Stephanie adept at coaching, she is also patient, kind, trustworthy, encouraging and fun to work with. I no longer feel like I am treading water; I feel confident that I am on the right path, more aware of myself and my surroundings and have an optimistic, almost giddy, outlook.”
“I can share that I have found wellbeing coaching profoundly impactful and more meaningful than coaching I have done in the past. It has helped my self discovery on a deeper level and given me ways in which to incorporate practices into my day that helps me heal, move forward and sets the stage for a more balanced and happy life. Steph has been a wonderful guide so far.”
“I have found this training to be life changing, It ended up helping me through one of the most difficult periods of my life, and it has resonated into all aspects of my relationship with myself and the people around me. I’m profoundly grateful.”
Looking Forward
I am soaked in gratitude for my clients and the way in which they have embraced themselves and walked with grace on the path forward in these uncertain, troubled times. I so look forward to hearing from you so that we can begin to discover who you are and what makes you happy. What I said earlier bears repeating. You matter, you are so important, and you are worth your own time. You cannot pour from an empty cup. And the world needs you mentally and physically healthy and happy. This is why taking care of you is most important. Let’s start today.
<3 Stephanie
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